David's AW News: Behind the scenes / SOL

Greetings again from the AW Warehouse in Bali.

Ringo and his team are working so well, they are crushing it like never before (as Pres Trump would say).. another container shipped every week almost. One just despatched to Slovakia, and in a couple of days another to the UK. A container holds about 69 cubic, and everyday the team tot up how much cubic they have packed into cartons ready to despatch. Ringo can tell me exactly how many cubic we have packed for UK, Spain or Slovakia at the end of every day. When we get to about 60 cubic meters he starts asking EU offices to book a container. We have two young girls in the "accounts" department who not only keep track of the money but chase up artisans reminding them to get orders finished and delivered to the warehouse. They also organise the barcodes and hangtags providing everyday what the packing team needs.  Nuru, Ari are AW heroes of the week.

Working together with Ringo (big boss) and Made (who looks after all the export documents, and compliance stuff we need). Together an amazing team, I'm very proud of them.

Last week I was telling you about my trip from Spain to here and my typical breakfast in Bali. Also my personal top picks for Valentines Day. If you missed it you can catch up here.


Last time I was here, we went exploring the Silver area of Bali not so far from our warehouse that is a maze of small WFH type workshops where families of artisans work producing silver and some gold jewellery. Showrooms on the main road sell the work of the locals. Many are tourist commission system places. If your tour guide or taxi driver wants you to visit such a place you can be sure they are getting a healthy commission and prices are double or triple local prices. But some are legitimate export businesses and some artisans are happy to work directly for people like us.

The best way to do the jewellery business is to design your own components and own the molds used to make the shapes, then buy the silver by the kilo from a government office - you need an artisan licence to do this - and let the artisans make for you directly.

Anyway down an alleyway (last November) we found a new place..

The new items we ordered just arrived today, and I'm very impressed with the quality. Really beautiful, nicely packed, proper silver stamps, all paperwork in place.

And just in time to pack in the UK container. You should see them in a few weeks.

Valentine's day is almost here!

We call it the start of the Season of Love..(SOL) Valentines, Mother's Day, Easter, Father's Day and the whole Wedding Season lies before us..

We have lots and lots of perfect products at AW.. dare I suggest AW is your best V-pick. And romantic gifts need to be quality, artisan and beautiful. A gift from TEMU is seriously not going to impress the wife.

So at AW you can compete with those dodgy guys..  Check out our Valentines Page, and don't be scared to stock up - the more you stock the more you will sell throughout the Season of Love.

2 New in stock lines that I'm excited about..

First.. very happy to see the Flat Pack Gift Boxes are on their way.. finally. If you want to offer Hamper style gifts these are perfect. Ideal for the SOL.. smart design that means you can erect a posh box in seconds. And create hampers and gift packs to fulfill the dreams of your customers. And if you want something fast selling and highly profitable (to put in them) you can't beat our range of Wholesale Craft Soap Flowers - ideal for creative people.

And Secondly from the Agnes & Cat - team.. something new and available at AW and directly from A&C.

Great pick-up lines in the shape of cute little house gift boxes. Ideal RRP's of around €15 & €25 makes for a perfect SOL gift you can sell all day long.

And lots more new stock in the pipeline..

OH my God!.. so exciting these days it's all coming on-line.. many new stock lines arriving. You have no idea how much hard work has been put into these things!

Dragons Den AW style..

And I'm working on more from Bali.. we had this idea to make an open day where all our most trusted suppliers can come along to our warehouse office and present their best new products that they feel AW customers (that's you) will love. Next week I will update you on how this goes.

Hati Hati (Take care) and have a lovely weekend. Take care in stormy weather!


PS I almost forgot to include our head of security Opim..

He says woof! More AW Heroes next week.


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