Update.. Yes! On the verge of viral...
Hi Guys, Greetings from a coffee shop in Bali. Thank you so much to those of you who have supported the change.org petition to ask for fair tax on Temu and the like. I was so angry when I discovered that Temu alone sent up to 1500 cargo planes to the UK each month . and gosh..many more to the rest of Europe. That's 100 TIMES the carbon footprint of sending by sea container.. and it's mostly trashy stuff - but still sales that could have been spent in YOUR gift shop . And while you pay taxes in the UK or Europe on profits and imported goods have duty added.. Temu flies its 777s through a massive loophole..exploiting the "de minimis loophole" to totally evade duty and import taxes . So... It was slow at first with only a few people signing.. but yesterday almost 1000 signatures came .. if we can keep that up it will be awesome and stand a real chance of some media attention.. and just maybe this government will do something and tax the untaxed who are exploitin...