
Showing posts from February, 2025

Update.. Yes! On the verge of viral...

Hi Guys, Greetings from a coffee shop in Bali. Thank you so much to those of you who have supported the petition to ask for fair tax on Temu and the like. I was so angry when I discovered that Temu alone sent up to 1500 cargo planes to the UK each month . and gosh..many more to the rest of Europe. That's 100 TIMES the carbon footprint of sending by sea container.. and it's mostly trashy stuff - but still sales that could have been spent in YOUR gift shop . And while you pay taxes in the UK or Europe on profits and imported goods have duty added.. Temu flies its 777s through a massive loophole..exploiting the "de minimis loophole" to totally evade duty and import taxes . So... It was slow at first with only a few people signing.. but yesterday almost 1000 signatures came .. if we can keep that up it will be awesome and stand a real chance of some media attention.. and just maybe this government will do something and tax the untaxed who are exploitin...

David's AW News: I'm Sorry Mom / Visiting the loom ladies / SO ANGRY

Greetings from Bali, Indonesia. Where it is still raining everyday, but still beautiful. Yesterday I spent time at the beach office, our digital marketing team workplace. I was a little bit surprised to see a warship floating just off the coast. I sent a picture to ChatGPT and it told me it was a Russian warship equipped with hypersonic missiles. It's a strange world we live in. Wheels turning not reported in western media, but Erdogan the Turkish president was in Indonesia. Last week when Bondhan and I flew back from Java, as we came into land our captain announced there had been VIP movements and that we and 15 other planes had been put into a holding pattern and for more than an hour we circled on high, coming into land so late I missed my appointment at the immigration office in Denpasar. (that's another story). Presidents and warships in Bali.. big wheels turning. Last week I was telling you about our trip to the mystical forests of the Genitri trees - where the natu...

David's AW News: Java find. This is Amazing!

Greetings Bali, where I have just landed after a week of absolute adventure. Wishing you all the best for Valentine's Day.. Hope your day was full of Romance, Love, and Fun. This week Bondhan and I have been criss-crossing the island of Java on a mad road trip.. and had some absolutely amazing and unexpected adventures. I'm beside myself with excitement about what we discovered.. I'm sharing the secrets below.. Last week I was telling you about the surf in Bali and how it's connected to beating Temu, if you missed it you can catch up here . Now check this.. Do you see the red leaves on this tree? Our first sight of a mystical blessed tree in the jungle forest of Java. So Bondhan and I took a flight from Denpasar, Bali to Yogyakarta in South central Java. A neighbour from Bondhans hometown, kindly lent us his car - he met us at the airport with the keys. Instead of turning right from the airport towards the city, we turned left along the coast road. A few hou...

David's AW News: Temu, Surfing & Success

 Yes, I'm working this morning from what we call the beach office. Raul came over from Kuala Lumpur and this week we have been working closely with the development team here to bring some really useful functionality to our Fulfilment and Dropshipping websites . Looking out of the window I can see some serious surf rolling in. And inside the team of developers and digital marketing guys heads down "surfing" the online world to connect AW to the world. Temu and Shen are in the news these days.. and finally for the right reasons. The tax loopholes they have exploited are being closed step by step... And this could be great news for the gift traders of UK and Europe.. I have Raul and the team here focused on how we can  help our valuable customers (that's you!)  grab your share of the multi-billion gap in the market that will appear if what I think will happen - happens.   Last week I was telling you about our hard-working warehouse team here in Bali.. behin...

David's AW News: More behind the scenes.

Greetings from the Island of the Gods. It's not a good time to be a tourist in Bali.. it's raining everyday and sometimes huge electric storms with crackling thunder so loud the windows shake. It was Chinese New Year this week, and the locals like to celebrate this, as they do across all of SouthEast Asia, with fireworks and dancing dragons. But the stormy weather put a bit of a dampener on it.. at least three locals told me that wet weather at Chinese New Year is normal, every year like this.. I said how can that be? Because CNY changes date quite a lot can be upto 14 days different.   This year is very early. I'm reliably informed (by several locals) that the more it rains in CNY, the better and more prosperous the coming year will be. I was in central Denpasar with Ringo yesterday and the whole town around the market area was decorated with red lanterns.. Happy Year of the Snake Guys.. whatever that might mean.. lets hope it's good. Last week I was telling yo...