David's AW News: Festival VIP - I don't like.

Greetings from Kolkata, India

I just arrived last night, flying down from Kathmandu by Air India. I spent Thursday morning tying up the loose ends on two (maybe three) interesting deals, after a hectic week sorting out delayed orders and shipping problems.  Then saying goodbye to our sweet, delightful and kind (if a little slow) Nepali suppliers.

My timing in Kathmandu turned out to be good, as I leave a big festival, a ten day holiday, is kicking off: The Dashain Festival which seems to consist of many mini fairgrounds, loud music and big red splodges on foreheads..  Factories and shops close, it's festival time guys!

As I land in Kolkata the famous Durga Puja is in mid-flow. Mr Chatterjee met me at the airport in full festival dress, as we drove to his hometown an hour away on the banks of the Ganges we pasted many brightly lit garish LED signs, banks of them, buildings banked in them. Passageways are vivid with festival lights. My pictures all came out a blur..  but I got a shot of a pandal (a kind of temporary art installation). Last week I was telling you about the crazy idea of a trip to Kathmandu just as massive flooding hit the city.. If you missed it, you can catch up here.

New trends in Nepal.

Last time I was in Kathmandu, I kind of had the feeling we had seen everything (in artisan giftware) worth seeing. But this time I feel a new wave of creativity has swept the showrooms of Thamal. I didn't schedule enough time, so I think we need to come back soon. The Japanese and certain kinds of hippy Chinese traders have come here recently en masse, and I think their ideas and styles are influencing ideas and trends.

Factory Visit

Mr Padam (our gentleman shipping agent) in his non-pushy way tentatively suggested I visit a new felt factory that he had recently become aware of. He said he was hearing good things and I should go see. So it was arranged and the other day two young people. Brother and Sister - good looking, but humble and sweet appeared in the lobby. "Mr David.. so pleased to meet you - please come".

We drove about an hour to the very edge of Kathmandu valley right under the foothills of Himalayan range. There I was shown a factory workshop where mostly ladies worked producing felt items. They told me due to the approaching festival many had left for mountain villages, so only about 50% of the staff remained.

I have been to these places before and they are generally well organised and care for the workers and have good working conditions. All prerequisites of doing export business to Europe or the US. But this place with open views to the mountains and happy smiling workers was the best I have seen. I was surprised when the children introduced me to one of the ladies working on the factory floor.. this is our Mother, she's very hands on.

We haven't quite finalised the deal.. although I'm confident we will, later I'll introduce you to this lovely family.

I have been working all day with Mr Chatterjee and his team - who are supposed to be on holiday - at his factory, connecting with our talented designer Sandra in Sheffield HQ and Tomas in Bali.. between us we finalised an exciting new product range.. after a long day.. Chatterjee took me to the festival to see some of the local famous Pandals.. which I can only describe as art installations with a loose religious theme. The main one had been curated by a local artist who is quite well known.  Everyone was happy and chatting, taking selfies, dressed up in their festival best clothes.. the queue stretched for a long way.. maybe an hour wait all the way along the LED flashing light street..

Chatterjee strides to the front of the line.. What's happening? I say as we are whisked around a curtain into a small VIP area.. where the local bigwig politician - who I have met before - is waiting to gladhand me then after some chit chat escorts us inside.. It's actually quite impressive, the theme is female empowerment. The centre piece is a giant crocodile eating a naked girl. And the Goddess is depicted with huge erm well you know.. well the artist wouldn't you know it is the same politician guy turns up for more selfies with the only white face in town.

We actually gate-crashed two long lines and entered as a VIP.. I'm asking why we can do this, I'm feeling a bit guilty.. so far no straight answer. I think white privilege still exists.

Chatterjee tells me that the all powerful Goddess Durga Puja is the most famous festival in Bengal and celebrates the Goddess fighting and killing the devil, and saving the world.

Hapi Drums - a happy medium. Drum up some happy sales.

Meanwhile in our warehouse - Indian products are rolling in.. lots of new stock online this week. Including (by popular demand) Hapi drums. We tried very hard to buy these in Java, Indonesia. There they produce relatively expensive musically tuned ones - too expensive for gift shops in China they have much cheaper but not nice sounding ones.. in the end we opted for Indian ones. We tried many producers, and our trusty old supplier in the heart of Old Delhi came up good.. approved by Bondhan (in Bali), our resident musical expert via Whatsapp.  

Also, Halloween is fast approaching. Scary thought, not many days left..

We have special deals with DISCOUNTED Magic Spell Candles & BIG Discounts. Plus Halloween Bath Bombs are an easy sell right now.

Wishing you an amazing week.

Remember to be kind to someone and look after yourself.




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