Greetings from sunny Sheffield.

Yes we are in the hometown of AW. Sunshine and blue skies, friendly Yorkshire folk and lashings of the worlds best pale ale.
I'm so happy to be back in my hometown and catching up with family, friends and all the team at the heart of AW. And my wife (and our China agent) Coco is here also.
It was December 2019 the last time she was here, just as rumours about a strange illness were starting to circulate from China. I remember getting in a crowded hotel lift in a city centre hotel and seeing two people wearing masks for the first time, we were all holding our breath until we could get off.  Then KERBANG.. the whole world changed. 
Last week I was telling you about the trip from Xiamen (China) to Sheffield (UK) and realising ten years had past.. if you missed it you can read about it here.

There is (I can see) brilliant blue skies over the UK and a long bank holiday weekend ahead. So I'm wishing you all a very busy trading week ahead. But I hope you can find time to dream a little, let some creative ideas bubble up as you chat to customers or friends.. join a few dots and see what happens.
Last weekend I took Coco to Chatsworth House.. she absolutely loved it. Although she kept asking me how one family could amass so much money to create such a place. I didn't know, it was (I asked ChatGPT) Coal mines, iron works, farming and finance. The Cavendish family was pretty industrious 400 years ago. Even today with farm shops, beautiful gift shops, the brand is awesome.. they connected a lot of dots..

Coco being a typical tourist.

We have been mostly spending time at the AW Aromatics factory where new ideas are bouncing around like excitable spring bunnies, trying to focus all that energy into actual new products is a task in itself. Coco has been connecting the dots, many products just don't make it because of missing components (at the right price) or simply missing altogether.. and China can fix many things.. and PDQ. Whatever you think about China, the fact is we need them to make our UK factory actually work. The world needs to work together, to even (for heaven's sake) actually work. 

Do you have an idea for a product? Are you an Influencer? Do you need us to make your product a reality? We already produce for a number of personalities.. and I can tell you this is where the big money is.
In China, almost everything is sold this way.. their version of Tik Tok is full of specialists, enthusiastic people, passionate people selling directly to their fan bases.. It's the future. And at AW-Aromatics we can help you be part of that future.
We even can connect the dots for you.. AW -Fulfillment  (ask for James) can store your product and then ship it to your customers as and when you need.

Imagine if you will for a minute.. Your journey connecting the dots...
1. A customer asks for a product she has heard about (for example that Grapeseed oil is good for under eye bags), you ask Chat GPT for more info, find out that this is trending on Instagram.
2. You have a brainwave about branding, and added ingredients.. 
3. You log-on to AW-Aromatics buy the raw materials you think you need.. in your kitchen start experimenting..
4. You test and re-test your product in your store.. and in your social media channels.. and...people love it!
5. Back to AW-Aromatics.. can you help me make my product on a big scale?. For sure.. That's what we do. 
6. Onward and upward.. now you just need to get it on the supermarket shelves... 

I believe most ideas, most solutions, most success stories are not difficult, probably in plain view.. you just need to do it. Connect the dots.. damn it!!

Meanwhile at  we have containers unloading everyday - it's buzzing here.. I just came over to chat with Rodrigo and the team.. we have containers just arrived from Indonesia. Now shipping costs are getting back to normal, Rodrigo is keen to revise prices where we can. So you might have noticed a few chunky (and timely) price drops on some of our best selling lines. Natural Coconut Lamps, last week, this week on Molten Glass on Wood. See below for lots of great deals. And some awesome new products.. I'm so happy to see the Healing Incense Powder. The ritual of making a pyramid of powder on the healing plate is just so zen.. your customers are going to love it, and collecting the full kit to do it. 

Yesterday was National Bath Bomb Day.. can you believe? Haha, whatever we all need a special day.. anyway I do feel that Bath Bombs are trending again - we have some new funky ideas on the bath bomb front and some mega deals on the Fragranced Just Desserts Bath Bombs.

In other news.. the AW Buddha at AW HQ, got a bit of a revamp today. Ula decided to brighten up our icon a little. 

Anyway whatever you are doing... ENJOY the weekend, hope you can connect your dots.. and have fun and a fantastic time.
Take care.. and as always thank you for your support.. 


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